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As you analyze the sites for this lesson, think about what you have learned so far. Tell me! Do you have any questions for me?

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// In favor of something
Bias in Writing-
//Exaggerating or leaving out information in order to sway the reader a certain way



The Media

How does Bias affect what we read and see on the web?

Use the steps below to evaluate different websites and decide if there is
author bias present.


Watch some commercials.


Watch the commercials on the "Commercials" page and decide:

1. What product is being advertised?

2. What cool things are said about the product?

3. Why do you think the commercial was made this way?





Is everything presented in a commercial always true?


Why would an advertisement use bias?


What kinds of information would an advertisement leave out?

Analyze the commercial about cigarettes


On the same page, watch the commercial about cigarettes. Think about what you know about drugs and what information the commercial gives out. What is the commercial leaving out and why?


Check out the web checklist.


Use this checklist and read it over. We will discuss it together in class so you understand how it will help you analyze websites for bias.


Evaluate websites.


Explore the websites on the "Websites" page. Use the checklist to evaluate the websites.

  • Think about the author's purpose for creating the website.

  • What information is included?

  • What information is left out?


Post your thoughts!


Using what you have learned and read, create a blogpost on our Kidblog explaining why websites must be evaluated. Think about the following questions when creating your post:

1. Why might you find bias in websites online?

2. What strategies should you use when exploring the web to figure out what information to trust?

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